Who We Are

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Kate Proietti

Co-Artistic Director

My name is Kate (she/her), and I am an organizer, facilitator, and performing artist based in Austin since 2016. My first arts-based project with folks experiencing homelessness in Austin was The Hobo Salon (2017), a participatory video installation and full service hair salon exploring expressions of care, class, and visibility. My first collaboration with Gathering Ground Theatre was A Tale of Two Citizens (2020).

Lisa Hoelscher

Outreach Specialist

My name is Lisa (she/her), and I have been with The Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) and Gathering Ground Theatre since 2017. These groups have helped me use my voice, express my feelings, and ask good questions. On a personal level, I hope this project will help my family and friends lose some judgments about the homeless, about what I’ve been through, what others have been through. I love our group. It is very important to me.

Alvin Sanderson

Outreach Specialist

My name is Alvin Sanderson (he/him), and I have been with Gathering Ground Theatre since 2019. I nearly lost my life being pushed to the woods by city ordinances that criminalize the homeless. Since then I have been telling my story, using my voice, and sharing my experiences, speaking to the media and city representatives, representing myself and other homeless people. On a personal note, I lost a friend to the camping ban, and I am dedicated to changing people’s awareness and thoughts on what it is to be homeless. 

Roni Chelben

Co-Artistic Director

My name is Roni (she/her) and I am a practitioner of Political Theatre. In 2013, myself and Austinites experiencing homelessness founded Gathering Ground Theatre to create a space of expression for the homeless community. It is my passion to incorporate theatre-making and advocacy in pursuit of housing justice. By supporting oppressed communities as they rise up through performing their own realities, I aspire to contribute to a shift of power. 

Anna Rogelio Joaquin

Communications Director

My name is Anna (she/her), and I am an organizer, artist, and educator. I began volunteering with Gathering Ground Theatre in 2019 when I moved to Austin to pursue an M.A. in Performance as Public Practice at UT-Austin. I have been with Gathering Ground ever since, having primarily collaborated on A Tale of Two Citizens (2020), Processing a Pandemic (2020), and We’re All We’ve Got (2021). My hope is that our voices inspire compassion and solidarity.

Inbal Leibovits

Research Coordinator

My name is Inbal Leibovits (she/her), and I am a doctoral student in the University of Texas at Austin in the Moody College of Communication. Although I’ve only recently joined Gathering Ground, I’ve been a fan for much longer. In May 2021, I formally joined Gathering Ground Theatre to support the group’s research needs, ranging from learning about alternative approaches to public safety, to assisting with assessment processes of ongoing projects. 

Steve-O Harrell

Company Member

My name is Steve-O (he/him), and I have been a part of Gathering Ground Theatre since 2018. This group has taken my needs seriously and has given me a platform to express my concerns for social justice. Life isn't fair for us. I hope we can open up peoples' eyes since homelessness is something we need to talk about.

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Steven Potter

Company Member

My name is Steven (he/him). I am a filmmaker, writer, artist, and social activist. I have been homeless and have worked and volunteered to help the homeless community. I am also a founding member of Gathering Ground Theatre. Sometimes, the things that you are meant to do in life have a way of finding you. You just have to be open.


Sharae Walker

Company Member

My name is Sharae (she/her). I've acted since I was 5 or 6 years old in church programs, and I always dreamed about becoming an actress. In 2018, I saw a brochure for Tales of Sleepless Nights at the Trinity Center. I took note, just showed up, and met a bunch of great people. We are raising awareness of the plight of homeless people. We face a lot of destruction, and we need to build it back up.


Xavier Garrett

Company Member

I’m Xavey (he/him), and I joined Gathering Ground Theatre in 2019. Gathering Ground gives me an opportunity to help my community, and it is a great outlet for my creativity. Growing up in this world, some of us are forced to wait for our time or turn to take on a role or job we feel we deserve. Even though I may feel like I'm still forced to wait, I'm tired of waiting. The world needs great change now. Even if I can't intimately be a part of all the catalysts of great change, I can inspire someone to play their role. I channel my creative ability to inspire and uplift others, to help people feel and be alive. My other creations can be found at www.XaevyXae.com.

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Jeanne Luttrall

Company Member

My name is Jeanne (she/her), and I've been a part of Tenants Speak Up! Theatre since 2019, through which I have been able to regularly collaborate with Gathering Ground Theatre. These groups have helped open me up and gotten me more involved in advocacy work. A lot of tenants are on fixed incomes and are one small step away from homelessness ourselves. I’ve learned that what people experiencing homelessness go through is even worse than I thought. My hope is to get more and more people involved in the movement!