Processing a Pandemic

At the start of 2020, Gathering Ground Theatre was collaborating with Tenants Speak Up! Theatre on a new show: A Tale of Two Citizens: A People's Struggle with Housing in the Capital City. Then, our world changed drastically as we faced the unexpected death of one of our founding company members and the harsh realities of COVID-19. Amidst grief, uncertainty, anger, and isolation, we turned to group phone calls to keep us connected. Our work in the spring shifted to focus on collecting and sharing stories about the impact of COVID-19 on our neighborhoods, our communities, and our lives. We asked:

How can we build and experience intimacy at a distance? What new ways can we be together without being in physical contact? What do you wish people knew about housing justice in the time of COVID-19?

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April 13, 2020

Hey y'all;

Wanted to let everyone meet my new friend, Wrascally Rabbit. He dropped in along with 3 friends on their way to my grandchildren for Easter. They got tired and scared so they broke their trip by dropping in to see me so I could make them some masks to keep them safe while they traveled. I have been making masks for all the humans in my life so taking a break to make them for the rabbits was a nice change.

This gave me a chance to relax, be silly and make something that causes other folks to smile if not laugh out loud. So I am going to buy some more pets, mask them and then put around my apartment. Maybe some of them might find their way to new homes.

Please stay safe and take care of yourselves.


Steven Potter, Creative Crusader Micro-Podcast, 01: Strange World

Music: YouTube Creative Commons


A Tale of Two Citizens


Tales of Sleepless Nights